Releasing God’s Blessings: Sharing Your Blessings
A Wealth of Generosity
2 Corinthians 8:1-2 We want you to know, brothers and sisters, about the grace of God that has been granted to the churches of Macedonia, for during a severe ordeal of affliction their abundant joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part.
Visiting Cuba was an eye-opening experience. The people I met on a mission trip there lived very simply. A family’s wages were often not enough to live comfortably. We heard murmurs of food shortages. People considered themselves lucky if someone in the family owned a car, often one of those cool classic cars you see in pictures. New cars were imported and unaffordable for most.
Despite their circumstances, the Cubans we met were generous to a fault. Our group was treated like royalty; our hosts generously shared their food, hospitality, time, and talents. A couple of journal entries will give you an idea:
Dinner that evening was at Rosa's house: fried lobster; shrimp; tuna rolled in lettuce; and rice and beans. There's quite a bit going on; Rosa is simultaneously hosting a going away party for a family member. Still, she finds time to feed us well and entertain us. After dinner, we sit on the front porch as Lewis plays guitar for us again. Joel, the pastor, joins us. He spies two of the young women from his church choir and asks them to come sing for us. They sing praise songs, and—with some prodding—popular Cuban music.
Dinner that night was sort of a “ham cordon bleu.” In the midst of poverty and food shortages, we are fed far more than we can eat! The Cuban people have so little, but they share so much.
Our hosts were not only generous—they were joyful in the way they shared and the way they lived.
I have heard this theme repeated so many times from others who have spent time with people who don’t have a lot to give. They often share it anyway.
Have you ever experienced generosity on the part of someone who had little to give? How did it make you feel?
God of Generosity, thank you for all that you have given us. We pray that you enable us to be generous in return. Help us to share freely and joyfully so that we can witness to your love and abundance. Amen.