Generosity in Times of Need and Times of Plenty
There is something about finding yourself in the midst of life’s storms that leads us to cry out for God’s guidance and strength.
2 Corinthians 8:2-4 During a severe ordeal of affliction, their abundant joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. For, as I can testify, they voluntarily gave according to their means, and even beyond their means, begging us earnestly for the privilege of sharing in this ministry to the saints.
There is something about finding yourself in the midst of life’s storms that leads us to cry out for God’s guidance and strength, more so than when all is calm and smooth sailing. When our boat is rocking, when times are tough, we cling to our rock and focus more on God. When our attention is on God, rather than hyper-focused on self, it impacts all areas of our life, including our relationship with money. Even in the face of financial struggles, the spirit of generosity can still thrive as our faith guides us to see our resources as a blessing to be shared.
During the Great Depression, beginning with the stock market crash in 1929, America entered the most devastating financial time in her history. Do you know what percentage of her income she gave to charitable organizations like the church then? 2.9%. Despite the ups and downs of the market and the impact of inflation, the United States still can boast of one of the strongest economies the world has ever known. In fact, from the 1950’s through the early 2000’s, we were the financially healthiest we have ever been, and do you know what America gave to charitable institutions at that time? 2.5%—.4 percentage point less than in the Great Depression era. Why? There are more distractions when times are better.
We have more to divert us from doing God’s work in the world.
When there’s plenty, when we worry less about provision, the temptation is great to get involved in things that don’t please God. To surround ourselves with luxuries we don’t need, rather than sharing our resources with those who could benefit from our help.
Take time to reflect today on the way your faith impacts your financial planning and spending. Whether you find yourself in a time of need or a time of plenty, are you willing to plan for generosity?
Source of all our gifts, we thank you God for surrounding us with abundant blessings. Whether we are in a time of want or excess, enable us to see our resources as a blessing to share. Help us to plan for generosity so we can experience the joy of doing your work in all seasons of life. Amen.